In partnership with Siblings.
January 17, 2024

Transform Your Empty Jars Into Cozy Candles With Siblings

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In partnership with Siblings.
January 17, 2024

Transform Your Empty Jars Into Cozy Candles With Siblings

Shop Siblings

Have you ever held off on burning your favorite candle because you want to save it? I was recently chatting with a friend about the irony of candles: we rarely burn our favorites because when we do, they’re gone – and they’re expensive, plus it feels wasteful to constantly toss the remnants and start totally new. Sure, I sometimes keep a gorgeous vessel to store matches or other knick knacks, but I can’t keep every one (I’m a minimalist after all!). That’s why I was thrilled (and floored) to find Siblings – the candle company that helps you reuse the containers you already own with easy candle refills. Why didn’t I think of that?

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The Million Dollar Idea

The idea feels so obvious, I’m upset I didn’t come up with this concept on my own: Siblings sends you scented wax in a compostable bag, and all you have to do is put the bag of wax in the microwave for 2 minutes. From there, you can pour it into your favorite container, let it set, and voilá! You’ve just created your own luxury candle. Once you burn it, refill it with any of Siblings’ scent options. Your container can be used time and again.

Quality and Consciousness

Quality is important to the Siblings team, which is why they’ve crafted each candle with non-toxic oils, an eco-friendly coconut blend wax, and 100% compostable packaging. Every part of the Siblings experience feels smart and sustainable.

An Array of Sustainable Scents

Siblings offers a diverse range of 15 unique scents – everything from floral (No 08 — Peony, Honeysuckle, Amber) to fruity, to fresh and a day in the forest (No 04 — Eucalyptus, Balsam, Wild Berries). They have also created some special collaborations (like a Spiced Maple Butter Cookie with Butternut Bakery) and limited seasonal offerings, like Beach Daze and Vintage Cardigan. I’ve burned a lot of candles in my day, and these are some of my favorite scents, ever.

It’s Cost-Effective, Too

I’ve historically been pretty shameless about spending when it comes to candles, as I’ve found that you get what you pay for. However, Siblings’ $29 candles have taught me that perhaps I’ve been overpaying for the vessel itself. These candles rival the $100+ candles I’ve loved in the past – and I love that my money is going towards the quality materials Siblings uses instead of fancy jars and labels. I’m hooked, and my home has never felt cozier – or smelled better!

Pour yours.
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