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Call me a skeptic, but I've never really gotten on the bandwagon for supplements. Something about getting nutrients from a pill always felt oxymoronic to me, a synthetic alternative to what should be an organic solution. But recently, I've had to face the fact that my diet is nowhere near as balanced as it should be. Even when I do my best, trying to give my body every vitamin and mineral it needs can feel like a full-time job. One I rarely have the time for.
So opinionated as I might be, I can admit when it's time to consider a different approach. Maybe supplements really are the answer – but for me to be onboard, they still have to feel like real food. Leaving the gel capsules behind, I searched high and low for superfoods that would not only give me my greens, but also be tasty enough to feel like a daily highlight, not a chore.
And as I quickly found out, all roads lead to MIJA.
Drawing on decades of combined experience in the worlds of food, beauty and wellness, MIJA is a California-based company aiming to improve every aspect of our lives through targeted nutrients. Through her work as a nutritionist to Silicon Valley executives and high-profile athletes, founder Sarah Koszyk, MA, RDN, saw firsthand how commercial food products left so many essential vitamins and minerals behind. That led her to take a data-driven approach, working with food scientists and farmers to develop the highest-quality product possible.

Even with the best skincare and workout regimens under the sun, lack of nutrition can impact us everywhere from our sleep hygiene to our complexion. Unlike so many other dietary brands, MIJA is equally focused on internal and external results. Thanks to growing research that maintaining gut health is one of the best things we can do for our mental health, the brand puts a special emphasis on ingredients that keep our brains running as smoothly as our bodies.
It comes in powdered form with a daily dose of just two teaspoons. By stirring some into your morning glass of water, you instantly get a green drink that fills in any nutrient gaps you might be missing. No need to cut your favorites out cold turkey.
As someone that's struggled with all of the above, understanding the need for nutrition is one thing, but totally rehauling the way you eat is another. Which is what makes MIJA's first product, Superstar ($78), so appealing. It comes in powdered form with a daily dose of just two teaspoons. By stirring some into your morning glass of water, you instantly get a green drink that fills in any nutrient gaps you might be missing. No need to cut your favorites out cold turkey.
Officially on board for this low-effort, high-reward approach, I started off with a one-time purchase. And forgive me for spoiling the happy ending, but within days I was a full-time subscriber.

I was thrilled to find Superstar waiting for me on my porch just days later. There's something instantly welcoming about the packaging itself – with its dreamy, starry artwork, it feels neither clinical nor insufferably zen. Turning to the ingredients list, I was pleasantly surprised at how familiar each of the compounds sounded: goji berry, chaga mushroom, ginger, honeydew…
Yet seeing that the main ingredient was matcha initially threw me for a loop. Not only am I rarely a fan of its grassy taste, matcha is also caffeinated – and the last thing I thought I was signing up for was an energy drink. But take it from a matcha skeptic: this stuff is delicious. There's a lovely natural sweetness that never turns cloying, with vegetal notes that feel nourishing, but not punishing.
Not a caffeine jolt in sight, either. This is ceremonial-grade matcha, which gives a gentle lift that carries me through the rest of my day. As someone who has never been able to drink coffee, I've come to terms with having less energy than my more caffeinated friends. But by starting my mornings with a 12-ounce glass of Superstar, I found that everything from my writing sessions to my trips to the gym were filled with a newfound focus. Euphoria, even.ᅠ
But by starting my mornings with a 12-ounce glass of Superstar, I found that everything from my writing sessions to my trips to the gym were filled with a newfound focus. Euphoria, even.ᅠ

The link between physical and mental well-being was clearer to me than ever. With its ideal daily ratio of everything from antioxidants to phytonutrients, Superstar sets itself apart from other supplements that focus on a single issue, raising the holistic level of wellness in so many areas. Who knew that two teaspoons of green powder a day could clear my skin and get my head on straight?!
That humble serving size also means a little goes a long way: each jar of Superstar lasts around 25 days, with the monthly subscriptions making it easy to stay in the groove. The even better news, if you're inconsistent with new habits (no judgment here), is it couldn't be easier to jump back in. After a few days off of Superstar while I was traveling, I got back into the habit once at home and immediately noticed my upset stomach go away. It's rare to find a product that is so utterly transformative without requiring any legwork on your end – besides the effort it takes to pour and stir.
Such easy wins are few and far between. And I don't know about you, but I plan on soaking this one up.
1. Superstar is compatible with just about every diet under the sun -- not only is it vegan, it's also gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free and uses no refined sugar.
2. Green drinks not your speed? Mija hosts all kinds of free recipes on their site, with drinks like the Superstar Spritzer and desserts like the Matcha Vegan Ice Cream.
3. Every one of their ingredients are sourced from small, independent farms that use organic, bio-dynamic practices to ensure the highest quality.
4. Their products are all lab-tested, not just for purity but for bioavailability, meaning that each nutrient can be fully absorbed by the body for maximum effect.
5. Mija is the colloquial term for "mi hija," or Spanish for "my daughter," highlighting their legacy as a female-founded business founded on traditions shared across generations.