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There’s only so much you can tell about a piece of furniture’s quality when shopping for decor pieces online. If your risky purchase ends up being made of low-quality materials or looks completely different than it did online, you might end up in a pattern of repurchasing items over and over. So after hours of research, there's a high chance you’ll settle on a mass-produced piece to save money -- then end up having to deal with inconsistent measurements or missing parts.
That’s why Sundays Furniture made it their mission to help you shop for tables, sofas, chairs, and accessories without doubt and stress. Add expert design and sustainable materials into the mix and you get a collection of items that will help you build a home full of heart and warmth.
Sundays was founded in 2019 by family-oriented design experts that understood that customers want to furnish their homes with pieces that are high-quality and stand the test of time. The Vancouver-based company has expanded its product offerings in the past four years, working hard to produce stylish and versatile pieces at affordable costs.

A Philosophy Focused on Sustainability
Barbora Samieian, the co-founder of Sundays, believes that furniture is meant to help you grow through different phases of your life. “You’re investing in a piece to last you a decade rather than two years, so when you compare costs and break down the average it becomes much easier to see the long-term financial benefits,” she says. “Maintaining your pieces — whether it’s due to performance fabric, slipcovers on our sofas, or solid wood tables that can be refinished — also further prolong their life.”
The founders of the brand also wanted to play a role in preventing furniture waste that accumulates more and more each year as a result of the increase in e-commerce giants mass-producing furniture. “In contrast to fast furniture, we develop timeless products of durable quality that are easy to repair, maintain, and take apart and are made of modular components that can be replaced or refinished,” continues Samieian. “Many of our pieces are crafted from FSC and Rainforest Alliance Certified wood and our rugs are all GoodWeave Standard certified.”
Our Favorite: The Get Together 4-Piece Modular Sectional

When your life changes, most of the time so does your furniture. But isn’t it better when your furniture lasts long enough to contain memories through all of your most important life stages? One of Sundays' star pieces, the 4 Piece Modular Get Together Sectional ($5,710) was designed with longevity and versatility in mind.
Created with the brand’s Signature LiveLife performance fabric, this breathable material withstands spills and damage while remaining soft and supple enough for cozy nights in. This particular fabric has a soft, textured look that adds a touch of luxury while also being adaptable to whatever decor style you may have going on.
When it comes to the functionality of this sectional, you’ll get to customize seating arrangements and add slipcovers for both protection and flair. This is a great way to play around with the layout and appearance of the sectional while staying balanced against the rest of your decor.
The Get Together Modular Sectional provides seating for five of your favorite friends and family while fostering comfort and a sense of intimacy. The couch is currently available in condo or regular sizes, which offer flexibility when shopping for your own unique space.
You’ll find five stunning neutral colors to choose from, including cream linen, light pebble, oatmeal, clay, and moonlight. Although these neutral, soft colors aren’t usually associated with longevity (we’ve all had an unexpected red wine spill, haven’t we?), the performance fabric material steps in to offer protection and resistance against the toughest of stains.
SuperBowl Sunday Test Drive
Our couch arrived and was placed in our living room by an incredibly kind and punctual delivery team that Sundays helped coordinate for us. Coincidentally, the delivery came a few days before the biggest party of the year - Superbowl Sunday!
We had a full crew over to the house for a watch party – 10 adults and a handful of high energy toddlers and one rambunctious pup – more on him in a bit. I was so pleased how comfortable and homey the couch was able to accommodate such a large group with ease. Everyone was impressed with how comfortable the couch was as well – the compliments didn’t stop all game long. And as a host, I was at ease even with stain-prone foods like Buffalo Wings and Meatballs as part of our buffet, even though we opted for the Cream Linen colorway. Luckily our human guests avoided any spills, but I can’t say the same for our friend's dog, Eli, who jumped onto the plush ottoman sectional (who can blame him – it’s so welcoming!) with wet paws from the damp grass in our backyard after the recent LA rains we had all winter.

I audibly gasped when I saw his brown paw prints all over our brand new couch. Luckily Sundays had sent me a handy care-guide email a few days prior, advising me to not “stress the spots” Eli had just left behind. Following their guide to add a few drops of clear dish soap and warm water to a clean cloth, we gently soaked the spotted areas and, as promised, the dirt stains vanished without incident. Eli’s dog parents were certainly relieved to see the magic of the stain resistant fabric on such a great display. But their relief was trumped by mine – our Superbowl Party revelry continued without a care or concern late into the evening!
Sustainable Touches For All Rooms
Although the brand started with statement furniture pieces, they have expanded its product offerings to include accessories like mirrors and rugs, smaller pieces of furniture, and even outdoor items for your patio or yard. Through company growth, the brand has remained committed to sustainability and curation, offering only products made of recycled materials that help add to your collection in thoughtful and meaningful ways.
Take the West Coast Stool ($420), for example. Available in white ash or black stained ash, it fits seamlessly into any living room or bedroom aesthetic. It can rest happily in your bedroom as a bedside table until you pull it into the living room to use as a footstool or extra seating around the coffee table.

Although Sunday Company’s price points are slightly higher than the fast furniture giants you'll come across when browsing for your next piece, the brand’s products are designed to fit various aesthetics and are designed with durable, high-quality materials. What's better than knowing your favorite pieces will stand the test of time?
Five More Reasons to Love Sundays
- Sundays offers a two year warranty covering any imperfections in manufacturing or craftsmanship.
- You’ll get to enjoy free delivery on all orders with no minimums.
- Not much of a builder? Sundays offers free in-home assembly on select large items. Their trusted staff will even recycle and remove all packaging and help stage your item in its new home.
- The brand offers an exclusive trade program aimed at supporting interior designers.
- Want to check out some best-selling pieces in person? You can find Sundays showrooms in Seattle, Vancouver, and Toronto, with more locations to come.
Say yes to sustainability and style at sundays-company.com.